{#% include 'elevar-head' %} Webasto Photo Disk DBW-2010 WPX-887-71A — Hydronic Heating Warehouse

Webasto Photo Disk DBW-2010 WPX-887-71A

SKU 378232Z

Barcode: 760-020-0251

Internal Part Number: 760-020-0251

Webasto photo disk.

Photo Disks must be straight & clean and "Goldish" in color.

Warping or discoloration is a failure of the photo disk and will result in damaging your electrical harness and Fuel spray pattern.

Discoloration in electrodes means the tungsten coating is deteriorated and must be replaced. as they will carbon easier - Electrodes: WPX-274-313

Photo Disk Clip retains the proper location of the photo disk so the photo disk properly seats against the combustion tube

System Compatibility:

  • Webasto - DBW-2010

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